
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Trumps' cabinet members, associates and their prognosis!!


Mike Pence-
Birthday June 7, 1959
Cards the Ten Of Diamonds, Eight of Spades

Pence is 57 years old currently.  He specifically has letting go of Donald Trump at the end of his 58th year.  Wonder what that means! Mike also has the thief card in saturn in his 58th year. Saturn is the worst planet under to have this card. Although, for Mike specifically that is between 1/2 and 2/23 of 2018.

Scott Pruitt-
Birthday May 9, 1968
Cards Ten of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts

Pruitt is 48 years of age currently. Scott has so many thief cards in his year. He has very negative energy around thievery at his birthday.  His whole 49th year involves the issue of thievery really. He has Jack of spades as his result card and at
49. Nonetheless, his long range card and environment card is the jack of spades.

Steve Bannon-
Birthday November 27, 1953
Cards Six of Hearts, Eight of Clubs

Steve is 63 years old currently. 
Steve has Donald as his Venus card this year. That is why they have such a close connection. He does have Ace of Spades as his Pluto card, which means there is a secret around him in a negative position. He does have a job change at his birthday around secrets he is keeping quiet. At the end of his 64th year his result card is the thief card.

Betsy De Vos-
Birthday January 8, 1958
Cards Six of spades, Three of hearts.

Betsy is 59 years old currently. 
Betsy has the thief card as her environment card. The environment card is a card that surrounds you for the whole year. You would carry that energy everywhere you go.

Rex Tillerson-
Birthday March 23, 1952
Cards King of Clubs, Four of Diamonds

Rex is 64 years old currently. 

Donald Trump is his long range card at 65. He has a thief card in Venus ( 5/14-7/5 2017) next to Pence's card.

Rick Perry-
Birthday March 4, 1950
Cards Six of Spades, Queen of Cubs

Rick is 66 years old currently. 

Rick has a very strong Jail card at 67 between 9/28 and 11/19.

Paul Ryan
Birthday January 29, 1970
Cards Jack of Clubs, Four of Hearts

Paul is 47 years old currently. 
Paul has the Thief card in Saturn sitting next to a jail card. It is not looking good for Paul at all. His Saturn is between 8/25 and 10/16.
      No matter what party you are affiliated with the amount of thief cards I see here is insurmountable! This cannot be a coincidence.

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