
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Putin and Trump Similarities?

Surprisingly they are quite similar.....Putin and Trump are only one card difference off.

Vladimir Putin
October 7th, 1952
Age 64 at time this was written
Two of Diamonds
Eight of Clubs

Donald Trump
June 14, 1946
Age 70 at time this was written
Three of diamonds
Ace of Spades

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have a Moon match, meaning they have very close bond. These two feel comfortable with each other, because Trump is the planet and Putin is the Moon. What exactly does that mean? Well this basically states that the planet directs the Moon and we know that without a moon, no planet can exist. Moreover, the moon controls the tides, moods and so much more. 
Because of their tight knit match, Putin will be very interested in what Trump has to say. He will follow Trump's advice without a doubt. Both Men are also very money motivated. They like to negotiate towards their favor, so that they get what they want without a penalty. Nonetheless, they are both excellent wheelers and dealers.

Trump's second card is a secret life and he doesn't mind doing things secretly without any guilt. (Ace of Spades)

Putins second card (Eight of Clubs) is a very fixed card who is unbending. Many people are afraid of eight of clubs, because they are excellent managers and often go into law enforcement. Their stubbornness though can bring them to their own demise.

What is interesting is both Putin and Trump both have nine of hearts as their long range card for their year. HELLO! That is Hillary's card!!! Both of them are very focused on Hillary.  Hillary is the nine of hearts, which is loss of a love so both of them will experience love losses as well. The alarming energy that I see in both of their life paths is a THIEF energy next to each others cards. Putin has the thief card next to Donald's card in his Jupiter. That means in some way what he is taking from Donald will benefit him. Following that, Donald has the thief card next to Putin in his Mercury.  This time known as Mercury, means short lived. 
Putin and thievery energy is also around Donald even in his 71st year.  Something is definitely going on there.

Putin has quite a few cheat cards around him and endings of relationships related to his cheating ways.  That will flare up in May and June. 

Melania also has cheat card energy in the beginning months of 
2017. She has a lonely heart near the cheat cards. 

There would be karma between Putin and Melania. Donald may be involved with Putin to deal with some Karma related to Melania and a past life.

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