
Monday, June 9, 2014

Why does Jennifer Lopez Attract Men Who Seem Beneath Her?

 Jennifer Lopez:

Birthday: July 24, 1969 (age 44 years as written)
Life Cards 
Four of Clubs, Four of Clubs

Jennifer seems to be a beautiful soul inside and outside. She seems to get everything she wants excluding a real long term relationship. Of course she does have her beautiful twins. Are Jennifer's relationship woes because of celebrity status or is there something more to the story?

Jennifer is a Leo so she is a double four of clubs. Four of clubs people are very organized and exude an energy of mental satisfaction. 

Just recently, Jennifer broke up with Casper Smart. Looking at their match, Jennifer and Casper have a Mars match. Casper's birthday is April 6th, 1987. Mars is a very energized match with lots of sexual energy. It works well if there are any other good connections but unfortunately there are not.  Her second and third connection with Casper is Jupiter.  Jupiter is all about financial gain. That of course means she helps him make money!!

 Because Jennifer has the thief card in her Venus position in her life path, she usually chooses men who take advantage of her and who are of " lesser quality" than she is. You say to yourself why is she with him?

Looking ahead for Jennifer for her 45th year, she has some new beginnings. Jennifer will be dating around quite a bit or involved in a love triangle. Something will happen at work for her as she will feel ripped off and develop Karma related to debt.

Jennifer will also be involved in a charitable cause toward the end of her year - spring/summer 2015. She also has a new love around her 45/46th birthday and a move at 46.

Being that Jennifer's thief card is next to a workaholic card, she should look for a man outside of her work arena. It seems she met most of her boyfriends at work. Jennifer needs to avoid that!!!

Good luck Jennifer with your love life!